OK, so I know it's kind of redundant to say Pet Peeves and Crazy in the same line, but I did it! And no I am not talking about your neighbor's Brittish Bulldog named "Peeves!" This is the real deal, those little things that get under your skin and irritate you like crazy!
So one of my pet peeves is Stupid Drivers. They are all over the place! I know some people could argue the fact that I could possibly fall into that category. But I think of myself as more of a "Crazy" driver; or a proactive driver. But there are so many things which to qualify a stupid driver. Driving without our headlights on in the middle of the night, putting makeup on while driving, shaving while driving (both male and female), leaving your blinker on, tailgating, etc. But that would have to be my biggest driving pet peeve, when someone is so much in a hurry they are practically up my exhaust pipe! Don't they realize the closer they get, the slower I go. And then it gets fun because they get even madder! It's great!
Another pet peeve is leaving the toilet paper roll empty! I mean come on! How hard can it really be! OK, so the little, plastic, spring-loaded contraption which holds the TP in place can be a little tricky to maneuver, if you're FIVE! If you take the last little sheet, please, just put a new roll on. Thank you.
Last and most egregious of them all, the very one that keeps me up at night and causes me uncontrollable shakes is SPITTING! Ahhh! Just thinking about it makes me queasy. Just swallow it OK! It came from inside you so keep it inside you! And if you feel you can not live with out spitting, then do it in a private room, like the bathroom (check the toilet paper while you are there). Or maybe when no one else is arround! But for heaven's sake, don't spit on the sidewalk, the grass, where people are, on the gym floor!
So then next time you see someone driving down the road, following too closly to the car infront of it while spitting out the window and blowing their nose with the last bit of toilet paper they took from the bathroom, and the car infront of them starts going balistic, speed up and at least wave hello to me so I know someone cares out there! If not, I just might go crazy!
Hayden's Thanksgiving 2013
11 years ago
1 comment:
Thanks for bringing a smile to my face today. I really enjoyed reading this.
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