I think one of the biggest fears for people taking mass transit; you know buses, trains (TRAX is what they call it in Salt Lake City), the subway, etc., is there might be some crazy person riding with you, or some homeless person. Well let me tell you, I do ride public transportation on a regular basis and sure enough, those fears are very much a reality! There are crazy people everywhere on public transportation!
Some crazy people on the train are easy to spot. They look dingy, smell funny, and one eye is looking out the window and the other eye is focused on you! Real creepy like! Most people on the train avoid sitting next to them, so lets say you are running late and you rush to get on the train before it leaves, realizing everyone else has already nabbed the prime seats (my favorite being the lone seat). So you get stuck sitting near the crazy person.
Without fail, I'd say 85% of the time (once again I remind you 23% of statistics are made up on the spot) anyway 82% of the time the crazy person asks all persons around them for some cash. It's never a check or money order, just cash. Now they usually are very creative in the reason as to why they need the cash. It could be because they are diabetic and need some short change to to buy some milk until they get paid on the following weekend. Or it could be some change to buy some denture adhesive in anticipation to losing their last tooth next weekend and getting dentures! That is the very reason I don't carry any type of small change on me. I've got dentures of my own to anticipate!
Now you need to understand, there are some crazy people on the train which are not so easy to spot. They look like normal people. But this brings up a whole new topic of discussion. What is normal? Let's go back to the typical crazy guy on the train, you know the bi-directional viewer. What if he was born that way, then in his mind that is normal. It is they way he has been his whole life. Therefore, cutting this discussion topic short, one would ascertain that in fact there is no such thing as normal and everyone is crazy! It works for me!
So if you ever muster up enough courage to take a delightful trip on public transportation, just beware of the crazy people! They are everywhere! It could even be you everyone is avoiding and the late guy has to sit next to! So when thinking about crazy, take a good, long, hard look in the mirror first, you might even spot an anticipated zit!
Hayden's Thanksgiving 2013
11 years ago
Well if BART is bad. I can only imagin what people are like on the Fresno Area Rapid Transit!
I have had a good share of crazy people time. Sometimes you love it and sometimes you hate it. I have had some interesting conversations with some "crazy" people that are actually very normal conversations. Also i though it was funny that you brought up the fact of their reasoning for the cash. I once had a homeless man walk up to me and my friend down in AZ while we just walked out of the gas station the man was in dyer need of a beer or he was going to have a seizor and have to get medical attention. Hooray for public transportation, except when it is scary!
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